Are you disheartened by the current leading candidates?

It shouldn’t come to a vote between the lesser of two evils. When lesser candidates are put up for election, you can write to your party requesting a better candidate.

You can voice your opinion in polls and online sites. You can text or email local television stations, radio stations, and opinion sections of local newspapers. You can also do the same for national outlets of the same.

Usually there is something that you would not care for in a particular candidate but perhaps there are other points that you would like. Writing to the candidate about that may or may not have any affect, but at least it let’s the candidate know how you feel about the item or items that you agree or disagree with. If you can get more people to write in, then it might carry more weight.

Tired of half-truths or outright lies?
Tired of government overreach and more expense for taxpayers?
Tired of juvenile name calling and evading questions about what that candidate will actually do?
Do you want a candidate who has given a country that the U.S. fought to free for twenty years to the enemy that we had eradicated from that country, not fulfilled promises from previous times in office, added to the national debt, will try to change the Constitution, eradicate the filibuster, eradicate the Electoral College, pay more debt of individuals (a vote buying scheme), raise taxes, lower taxes without compensating for the loss in revenue and increasing the national debt by trillions of dollars, ostracize our allies, allow Russia’s invasion to continue by decreasing aide to Ukraine, continue dealing with China and allowing China to buy U.S. companies and land, continually tells us how much of a genius he is and how great of a deal-maker he is, will not answer simple questions about what her policies really are, will actually interfere with commercial businesses, and will for the first time in this country’s history, with her policy of level playing field politics, have the government set prices in the free market arena, and not address important issues but invent and reiterate “problems” enough to overshadow what is more important, further divide our country, and cause discourse here and abroad?
If that is what you want, you have the two leading contenders to choose from.
If you actually want someone who will tell you what you need to know, not what you want to hear, and will do what the country needs, not what will generate votes just to get into and stay in a cushy office job, then vote for John Kadey
When voting, write in John Kadey
If voted early, change your vote by November 5, 2024